Links to Public Records Available without Request:

Our Public Records Policy
It is the policy of the Alabama State Board of Public Accountancy to promptly provide citizens with public records upon request, subject to their payment of reasonable fees, to applicable laws protecting sensitive information, and to the interest of the general public in having the business of government carried on efficiently and without undue interference.

Submitting a Public Records Request
You may submit a public records request by completing a public records request form.

What to Expect
We strive to respond as promptly as possible to all public records requests we receive, consistent with the demands of our Board's functions as determined by State law.

The nature of your request will dictate how promptly we respond. If your request very clearly identifies a specific, discrete document you are looking for, we will respond more quickly than if your request requires substantial staff time to process. A request will require substantial staff time to process if it requires difficulty in identifying and retrieving documents or taking measures to redact or otherwise withhold legally protected information.

In addition, we are permitted by State law to charge reasonable fees in connection with processing public records requests. We will notify you in advance of the fees you likely will incur as a result of your request. Requests for public records fall into two categories: Standard Requests and Time-Intensive Requests.

Details on these two types of requests are as follows:

Standard Requests - These requests take less than eight (8) hours of staff time to identify and retrieve responsive records.
  1. Please complete the public records request form
  2. The Board will charge 50 cents per page for standard paper for copies prepared.
  3. The Board will acknowledge your request within 2 days of receiving your request.
  4. Within 15 business days after acknowledging receipt of the request, the agency will provide a substantive response either fulfilling or denying the request. The Board may request an extension for another 15 days to provide a complete response.
Time-Intensive Requests - These requests take more than eight (8) hours of staff time to identify and retrieve responsive records, including if the request is vague or overly broad and time needed to redact records to withhold legally protected information.
  1. Please complete the public records request form
  2. For Time-Intensive Requests, the Board will charge $20 per hour including a minimum fee of $20 for time spent locating, retrieving, and preparing records for production. The Board will not charge a fee for legal review or redaction to withhold legally protected information.
  3. The Board will charge 50 cents per page for standard paper for copies prepared.
  4. The Board will acknowledge your request within 2 days of receiving request.
  5. Within 15 business days after acknowledging receipt of the request, the Board will notify the requester that this is a Time-Intensive Request and the likely fee that will need to be charged.
        The Board will allow the requester to:
    1. Withdraw the request
    2. Alter the request to make it a standard request
    3. Proceed with original request
  6. If requester elects to proceed with time-intensive request, the Board will fulfill or deny request withing 45 days after requester notifies the agency to proceed with the time-intensive request.

You may contact our agency's public records coordinator at